ALIVE – is a training programme that enables friends to care for friends. 

The objective of this training is to expose participants to the many forms of emotional stress, trauma, abuse and victimisation that exist in communities and thereby equip them to become agents of healing and restoration in their many spheres of influence. We do this not because we are perfect or because we have got it right but because we understand the biblical concept of the wounded healer. 

How many of our relatives and friends suffer un-noticed and un-cared for? It is not because we don’t care but because we do not know how to care and how to read the hidden messages, they try to send our way.

The training will equip and enable you to care for your friends without worrying about whether you are doing the right thing or not. You will become intentional in your caring interactions.

We do this by providing the knowledge, skills, motivation and opportunity to care for those in need. 

We have a number of training programmes ranging from short seminars and workshops to full-fledged face-to-face and online certificate courses to suit your needs, abilities and availability.

When we really love, we will listen. We must learn to listen with compassion and empathy. Not to argue a point or to prove a counterpoint.  But just because they have a story to tell and we love to hear their story, so that we may understand better and care better

Alive 1

ALIVE Level 1 (Online)

In Level One, we focus on identifying and walking with a person who is feeling some form of emotional trauma. This programme is about equipping a person to help a friend who feels victimised to move from the cycles of violence and trauma to becoming a survivor.

January 25, 2025
- March 29, 2025
Face to Face

ALIVE Level 2 (Face to Face)

In Level Two, we will learn to walk with people through the survivor stage, so they do not regress but move along the healing journey to becoming overcomers.

New Life Fellowship Bengaluru
May 10, 2025
- May 12, 2025
Face to Face

ALIVE Level 3 (Face to Face)

In Level Three, we will consider what it means to be a “wounded healer.”
In the trauma healing journey, Level Three is about moving from one’s own stories and experiences of pain into the stories of those around us in the community and their experiences of pain and suffering.

New Life Fellowship Bengaluru
September 5, 2025
- September 7, 2025